What does it take to be an Advantage Player?

Advantage Play can be as easy as it sounds as long as you have these 5 Key Elements. With these 5 Key elements you can become a Professional Gambler within months.


I get asked this all the time. How much time does it take to be successful? The answer is how much do you want to make?

Time in anything in life is worth something. In this Advantage play world it is no different. How many games you play per hour, what bet size you play and how many plays are in a positive state when playing them will determine what you make on average per hour. If you spend all your time at a casino that only has 4 beatable games vs. a person that spends time at a casino with 100 beatable games then you cannot expect to make as much as them.

Additional factors come into play as well. Time at the casino, some casinos its better to be there in the morning time than in the night time. Some casinos there are more “hustlers” (Advantage Players) in the evening than in the morning and some casinos if they do have a lot of games will always have more “hustlers” than others.

So what can i expect?

Our Beginner Course can Estimate: $20-$40 an hour.

Our Professional course can Estimate: $50-$100 an hour.

Our All-Inclusive course can Estimate: $100-$300 an hour.

Self Control

There are 2 Major Downfalls of Most Advantage Play Slot Players

#1 is Self Control

I have met 100s if not 1000s of Advantage players along my Journey as an AP. Along that journey I have met some very unfortunate souls that have fallen to becoming a Degenerate Gambler. You may ask why is this unfortunate? Well I have met some players that have made well over $1,000,000+ being an Advantage Player and have $0 remaining. (Don’t be that Guy)

When first starting advantage play this is the #1 key factor. There are 1000s of people around you playing games that have no advantage to them what so ever. Dependent on the casino but an Average player should expect to lose 10-15% value of each dollar they put through a slot machine.

You will not be one of those people. Be patient and understand that the numbers weigh themselves out over the long run. Just work hard and stay focused on what most of us consider our job.


#2 is Patience

Patience will make or Break you as an Advantage Player, at times there are 0 games to play inside the casino at a positive state. Which is completely okay, this happens at every casino across the country.

Patience will help you not fall into the trap of playing slot machines in positions when they are not valuable. We call this effect the “Asian Effect” The Asian effect is where you are so bored because you have been waiting for 20 mins for a lady to get off of her machine on 80c bet that you begin playing the machine you are sitting at out of boredom; or when the lady gets up from that machine and it is not at a playable spot but you go play it anyways because you waited so long.

This is the downfall of many AP’s do not fall into the Asian Effect!!

Willingness to learn

When I first started my AP Journey after just a few short months I thought I knew everything there was to know about Advantage Play Slots.

I can tell you that every 3-4 months I learn something new that completely changes my life for Advantage Play.

People have asked me... how have you learned so much so fast? I always say I have been open to listening to what anyone tells me in the Advantage play world and that sometimes all you have to do is ask questions and people are willing to tell you the answer.

Never think you know it all because I promise you, you don’t and if you think you do then you stopped talking to people and you aren’t willing to learn anything else.



How Much Money do I need to BECOME AN ADVANTAGE PLAYER?

This is one of my favorite questions as I started with $500 and was able to progress it to over $500,000 within 2 years.

Now with that being said, you cannot and I repeat cannot play large bets with a small bank roll. Inside the courses games will be put into sections to let you know what we consider them as.

(Quick Hit Games, Chase Games, Uncapped Games, Must Hit By Games)

With Quick Hit Games it normally takes 2-8 spins to hit the feature. So with $500 you could play up to $25 bet on these games and feel comfortable you will not lose your whole bankroll and that you will win something in return.

With Chase Games on the opposite spectrum you may only be able to play up to $3 bet. As it could take 100-1000 spins to reach the end point of the game.

Use your Money Wisely on the right plays and you can rise even faster than I did.


How to Calculate Estimated Value


What is an Advantage Player?